Joshua, Community Lead from Glasgow, Scotland. Feel free to ping him for community ideas!

Luka, Managing translation program. If you want to chat translations, or support, feel free to reach out in the translations channel or DM him.

Paul, front end developer on west coast. Big fan of POAPS, staking community and protocol support.

Corwin, lives in Alberta, Canada. Web developer on team. If you have technical questions, features or anything you’re committing, feel free to reach out in the discord.

Pablo, from Argentina. Front end developer, you can chat with him all things web development technologies and crypto of course.

Sam, lives in Lake Tahoa, CA. He has been working on for two years. Software developer and team lead at squad. Love to chat all things Ethereum. His username is samajammin, feel free to reach out.

Joshua: Our team is supported by the Ethereum Foundation but they don’t necessarily represent the views of the team.

Corwin: Wanted to highlight a few features that were merged, standout features from contributors in the community. Zen Mode for the documentation section of Toggle up in top right to turn it on and same thing to turn it back off. Hit escape key to turn it off. Made by Akemidan (name?) and much appreciated!!

Joshua: Short cut focus for searching. When you hit the slash on your keyboard, it will autofocus on that search so you can search the website quicker without having to take your hands off keyboard or mouse. Like to thank Seth Nikil (name?) for that!

Sam: Check out bottom of the homepage. Very simple set up, to display common metrics of what’s going on on any given day. Andrew helped out! Value Locked in Defi currently has error so apologies for that.

Sam: Wanted to give a shoutout to the contributors. We’re a small team, do product planing and publish roadmaps on GitHub every quarter. A lot of what happens on is community driven. People taking the initiative to suggest new features that we have never thought of. If you’re looking to get involved or build your resume, this is a great way to do it!

Joshua: These are really great examples that we were actively focused on and now used potentially by millions of users. Especially the charts is a huge improvement.

Joshua: Community Hub is next item that we want to quickly discuss. Much of the design work was completed by a contributor (Scott!). The old community page was poorly organized and we wanted to create something more visually interesting and helpful for people to find their place within the community. One of most important things to highlight was the “Why of getting involved.” We wanted to highlight four main rollouts here:

The last thing Josh wants to cover is the new support page. Support is provided with wallets, building dApps or running your own nodes. We hope to grow the FAQs section over time. Feel free to add to it or open a PR to get your suggestions added.

Josh continued: Next up the important part is POAPs. The passcode is: itsallcommunity

There was a question for what is a POAP! Paul answers: POAPs stands for proof of attendance protocol. You can get NFTs for just participating in various things, particularly in the Ethereum ecosystem. This started in EthDenver. They are minted in xDai. It is a fun way to show that you participated in different things and can help build up a repertoire. They are for virtual events or real life events like conferences.